May 15, 1956 - Founding of the Lodge " Muenster Nr. 833" in Ulm by members of the United States Armed Forces in Ulm.
September 13, 1958 - The Lodge receives its Charter from the American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL) under the United Grand Lodges of Germany (Vereinigten Grosslogen von Deutschland).
1983 The Lodge celebrates its 25 year anniversary at the Bundesbahn Hotel in Ulm.
1998 - Lebanon Lodge 831 in Augsburg loses its Lodge rooms as well as many resident brethren through the withdrawal of the American armed forces.
The remaining brethren of Lebanon decide to merge with Muenster lodge in Ulm and obtain the assent of the Brethren in Ulm. The Lodges are then merged under the name of "Muenster 831". The resulting Lodge works under the Charter of the American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL) which is a member of the United Grand Lodges of Germany (Vereinigten Grosslogen von Deutschland).
2005 - Isar River Lodge No. 857, was officially merged with Muenster Lodge No.831 in September 2005. The name and By-Laws of Muenster Lodge No.831 were retained.
Isar River Lodge No. 857, was officially merged with Muenster Lodge No.831 in September 2005.
The name and By-Laws of Muenster Lodge No.831 were retained.
Lebanon Lodge No. 831, Augsburg, Germany was officially merged with Muenster No.833,Ulm Donau Germany forming Muenster No.831, Ulm Germany in June 2,1998.
W Bro. Hans Ratschker serves as W.M. of the merged Lodge until the Election of Officers in September 1998.
Berchtesgaden Lodge No. 865 of Bad Aibling, Germany was officially merged with Lebanon Lodge No. 831 effective 1 July 1972